RAPIDS Notices

Notices are our means to communicate and document changes in the project to contributors, core developers, users, and the community.

Notice Types

Type Code Intended Audience Purpose
RAPIDS Developer Notice RDN Contributors & Core Developers Communicate updates to development processes
RAPIDS General Notice RGN Everyone Project wide announcements and updates, including breaking changes
RAPIDS Support Notice RSN Everyone Updates on RAPIDS support for specific versions of CUDA, Python, OS, platforms, and compliers

Recent and Important Notices

Notice Title Topic RAPIDS Version Updated
RSN 37

In Progress

Deprecation of `CentOS 7` in v24.04 Platform Support Change v24.04 14 February 2024
RSN 35


Deprecation Announcement Dropping CUDA 11.2 support in our Docker Images in Release v23.12 Platform Support Change v23.12 13 February 2024
RSN 34


Deprecation announcement for Pascal GPU support in Release v23.12 Platform Support Change v23.12 13 February 2024
RSN 36

In Progress

Support for Pandas 2 in Release v24.04 Platform Support Change v24.02+ 06 December 2023
RGN 30


RAPIDS v23.10 Hotfix for cuDF Release Change v23.10 20 November 2023
RSN 33


Dropping Support for Ubuntu 20.04 arm64 containers in Release v23.06 Platform Support Change v23.06 17 August 2023
RSN 30


Docker Image Changes in Release v23.08 Platform Support Change v23.08 17 August 2023

Table of contents